Saturday, August 06, 2005


This summer I am feeling so proud to be Canadian! Awash in a tide of unexpected emotions that I can neither control, understand, or deny. Emotions that make me want to weep and embrace all my fellow-Canadians in an enormous group hug.

No, we did not have another election, and yes, the appointment of a new Governor General has been announced, but that has nothing to do with it.

It’s a feeling that wells up inside of me every time I see Canada’s Snowbirds perform at another air show.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can only agree to see the Snowbirds can only truly make you proud to be Canadian. I feel that as a Canadian we should be proud. How could we sell our Mountie to Disney World? Tim Hurtons is no longer Candian we should stop selling ourselves out. Thank God we still have our Snowbrids.

9:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can only agree to see the Snowbirds can only truly make you proud to be Canadian. I feel that as a Canadian we should be proud. How could we sell our Mountie to Disney World? Tim Hurtons is no longer Candian we should stop selling ourselves out. Thank God we still have our Snowbrids.

9:43 AM  
Blogger Roberta S said...

Hi anonymous. I so agree. The Musical Ride was once as proud as Canadians could get but that has been tarnished, as you say, by sale to Disney. The flag is tarnished, the Governor General's office is tarnished, all political parties and processes are tarnished, the justice system is tarnished, and so are our forests and lakes.

And if it weren't for the Snowbirds (which it is rumored, we are in dire risk of losing) what could we salute with such pride? 'Twill be a sad day when all I have to feel pride in is the occasional observation of the amazing and tireless work of a beaver building yet another dam, if I can be lucky enough to find a wooded stream where there is a beaver!

1:22 AM  

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